Parents » School-Parent Compact

School-Parent Compact

Chuckey Elementary School
School-Parent Compact

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Our mission at Chuckey Elementary School, with active support from parents and community, is to provide each student with the opportunity to successfully meet lifelong educational challenges and become productive members of society. We value your role in working together with your child to achieve his/her full potential. The following is an outline of ways you and the school staff can build and maintain a partnership to share the responsibility for supporting your child's learning.

Chuckey School's Responsibility:
  • To provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables participating children to meet the state's academic standards as follows:
    • by actively engaging the children in the learning process and having challenging expectations;
    • by using technology as a learning and teaching tool;
    • by providing a safe, orderly and physically comfortable environment;
    • by holding the belief that ALL STUDENTS can learn, achieve, and succeed at different rates and diverse ways.
  • To hold parent-teacher conferences during which the ideals of this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child's achievement. Conferences may be scheduled right after school and during the teacher's plan time, at the request of the parent or teacher.
  • To provide parents with frequent reports on their child's progress. There are two types of reports senhome: Interim reports (sent at the middle of each nine-week period) and nine-week report cards (sent home at the end of each nine week grading period.) Parents may also access information about their child's progress through Skyward Family Access, which is updated weekly in grades 3-5.
  • To provide parents reasonable access to staff. The school encourages good communication between the parents through: the student folders, e-mail, and telephone (423) 257-2108.
  • To provide opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child's class, and to observe classroom activities as follows: parents may and are encouraged to volunteer (talk to your child's teachers about these opportunities) and parents may observe their child's class at the discretion of the principal.
Parent's Responsibility:
  • Encourage my child to see the value in education and positively promote the importance of their learning.
  • Ensure that my child is at school regularly and on time with their needed supplies.
  • Monitor my child's homework and review as needed.
  • Check for information sent home from the school and promptly return if needed.
  • Provide the time, space, and opportunity for my child to read, or be read to, at home for at least 20minutes daily and to practice grade level math fluency standards daily.
  • Encourage my child to show positive school behavior and social skills.
  • Communicate with the teacher frequently to find out how my child is doing in school.
  • Attend parent-teacher conferences and participate, when appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of my child.
  • Student's Responsibility:
Always do my best.
  • Ask for help on my assignments when I need it at school and home.
  • Complete my assignments and turn them in on time.
  • Display respectful behaviors that will help me learn.
  • Discuss my school day and give school information to my parents.
  • Please review this School-Parent-Child Compact with your child. Thank you for your support and
    involvement in your child's education. Please contact the school for more information.
"I believe the education of a child is the responsibility of the student, the parent, and the teacher, and if any of the three fail to do their job, the education of the student will suffer."